It was May 2021, the little girls were playing in the living room and Laia, the eldest, was on her mobile phone on the sofa. I looked at them and felt lucky. The three of them were going to finish the course with everything passed and, although that year had been intense at work for us, things had gone very well in Marcos' company and my project in the office had been a success...
- This year we are going on holiday for sure... We all deserve it very much!
Before the dinner I already knew that I wanted to go to the Canary Islands, I needed a destination that was close, easy and with lots of possibilities. I wanted beach, mountains, joy and parties... I wanted it all!
I went on Google and searched for "Travelling with children to the Canary Islands". The first search showed me HD Parque Cristóbal Gran Canaria and, when I entered their website, there was no longer any doubt. I wanted to be there.
I organised everything that very night. I booked directly on the HD Hotels website. Besides, we could fit the five of us together, we didn't have to take two rooms like on our other holidays. I would be able to sleep with Marcos in my own room and the girls would have their own room because this hotel is like individual houses in a beautiful garden. I chose a family villa with 2 bedrooms and a private garden with jacuzzi.
The experience was amazing. Gran Canaria is beautiful. The beaches we visited were all very different from each other and the mountains of the island are full of very well-marked trails that the five of us could walk without any problem. We found all the information on HD Hotels' SenseConnect. A sort of activity guide where they tell you what to see, where to go and how to enjoy the Canary Islands during your stay.
We will definitely be back this summer. And we will return to HD Parque Cristobal Gran Canaria because we are happy there. The staff is attentive, the animation team made the little ones fall in love, and they took them every day to do activities, swimming pool, crafts, dances... and the best activity of all, the night camp for children (without parents) with huts and outdoor cinema.
The one who enjoyed the most was Laia. Her room had a PlayStation, but when she discovered the dance classes and the karaoke night she didn't want to do anything else but spend the days with her new friends from the hotel. We didn't see much of her, but Marcos and I enjoyed every bit of quiet time together. We even had time to go to the spa alone, and I agreed to go with him to CrossFit classes in exchange for him coming to yoga with me.
I don't know what else to tell you... everything was great: the food, the perfect all-inclusive, the variety of restaurants, the sunsets... I liked everything!
This year we will be one more. From Gran Canaria we not only brought back great memories, we also brought back our fourth child, Diego, who was born in May this year and who, without a doubt, will spend an incredible August at HD Parque Cristóbal Gran Canaria. It is wonderful to find hotels where children are welcome, where the rooms are designed for them and where you know that the whole family will enjoy the best "family time" of their lives.